How to talk to your GP about medical cannabis? Treatment with medical cannabis aka medical marijuana can help patients with chronic conditions, but for some patients, it’s difficult to bring up the topic with their GP. Interested in treatment with medical cannabis, but struggling to talk about your GP about it? We’re here to help. At Cannabis Access Clinics, we’re often contacted by UK patients interested in treatment with medical cannabis (also known as Cannabis Based Medical Products, CBMPs or Medical Marijuana). Most of our patients want access to safe, effective treatment prescribed by a medical specialist. However, an issue facing patients that contact us, or their families/carers, is not knowing how to talk about medical cannabis with their GP, before visiting a specialist. Here we look at why it’s important to involve your GP in your treatment decision, and strategies to help in what can be a difficult conversation. GPs are at the forefront of patient care in the NHS, and are under increasing pressure to see more patients in less time(1).
GPs not only have to look after the thousands of patients at their practice, but are also expected to keep up to date with new medical research. Medical Cannabis, and the role it can have in the treatment of conditions such as chronic pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and neuropathic pain, is an emerging area of medicine that many GPs aren’t yet experts in. Even the basics, such as the endocannabinoid system, and the role it has in regulating pain perception, mood and appetite is something that still isn’t taught in medical school. Because this area of medicine is so new in the UK, there’s a realistic chance that when you visit your GP you might even know more about cannabis and the endocannabinoid system than your GP. Explain why you’re interested in treatment. This may be that you’ve tried various treatments and nothing has worked, or you’ve struggled with side effects. Some patients are wanting to improve their sleep, or reduce their pain so they can have a better quality of life, or get back to work. Explain that you want to keep your GP involved in, and informed of your treatment.
By your GP providing your medical history, the treating specialist doctor is then able to make a safe, informed treatment decision. A template referral is provided here, or your GP can provide their own referral if they prefer. Cannabis Access Clinics will inform your GP of the outcome of your consultation, and if treatment has been prescribed, any extra monitoring requirements that are needed. GPs are vitally important in the care of patients with chronic conditions/chronic pain, and it’s important that they are involved throughout. Discuss the research. The recent NICE Guidelines published have been criticised by some in the medical community as being too conservative, with NICE recommending that more research is needed. At Cannabis Access Clinics, we are working with Applied Cannabis Research to conduct CACOS UK, which will track how all patients respond to treatment, whether their pain, mood, and quality of life improve, and whether they have any side effects. This helps ensure that treatment is prescribed safely and more effectively in the future. Inform your GP that Cannabis Access Clinics offers free webinars targeted at GPs. These webinars are free for GPs and are a quick introduction to medical cannabis, the endocannabinoid system, and the role CBMPs can have in reducing opioids. The webinars are 30 minutes long and are run by Dr Lucy Davey. Our staff are always happy to talk to GPs if they have any questions or concerns. Other FAQ’s are answered here. How do I get a referral for Cannabis? Medical Cannabis Prescription, Medical Cannabis Doctors, Medical Cannabis NHS, Medical Cannabis for Chronic Pain, Medical Marijuana referral, Does medical cannabis work, Medical cannabis referral, Medical Cannabis GP, What are CBMPs?
If maybe you haven’t accepted the medical marijuana priorly, the doctor needs to be advised in the event that you mean to supply health related conditions only relevant advice and advice. As a way to find yourself a medical marijuana license, you will need to have yourself a recommendation from a professional clinic. Your license will continue 12 months and can enable you to procure medical cannabis from a dispensary. The motto is easy, all qualified patients wont be turned down by acquiring the outstanding strengths that bud supplies. Today, as stated by their country’s legislation, an individual has to locate a Marijuana Card to become able to become obtained through bud therapy. Some people today think that patients can go to a private doctor to find a health cannabis recommendation, which is partly accurate. Most health practitioners that are attentive with their patient’s serious conditions need to become prepared to research a different treatment plan utilizing medical marijuana.
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