Marijuana has been the focal point of endless debate regarding its merits and supposed danger. Detractors argue that it is a dangerous drug. That there are very good reasons why it is outlawed in so many countries. The fact remains, however, that many independent and scientific have concluded that it has many potential benefits and that it could be used with good effect in many types of treatment. A case in point is the medical marijuana Denver, CO dispensary where marijuana is dispensed in a controlled and responsible manner. The crux of the matter is that there has never been a death recorded because of cannabis use or overdose. In 1988 the US Department of Justice emphatically declared that this is simply not possible. In contrast, nearly all approved medicinal drugs contain some level of toxic ingredients and there are thousands of deaths directly attributed to the use or abuse of those drugs. This statement is used to great effect by those advocating the legalization of the drug.
One of the most common used of cannabis for medical purposes is to control severe pain. Many authoritative studies have documented that the drug is highly efficient in helping to control chronic pain and to enable patients to function better. Migraines have also been treated very successfully in this manner. In certain cases, where they pain is caused by fatal diseases, cannabis is often the only pain treatment that seems to have a beneficial effect.
A myriad studies have shown the potential benefits of medical marijuana in the treatment of patients with certain mental disorders. Many successes have been reported in the treatment of schizophrenia while mixed successes have been documented in the treatment of depression sufferers. Those with bipolar conditions have also reacted positively after treatment with this drug. There are some indications that cannabis can lead to depression if used for a long period of time, and studies on this subject continue.
One of the most dangerous side effects connected to treatment for serious diseases such as cancer and Aids is that the patient is constantly nauseous and simply has no appetite. The resulting weight loss is highly undesirable. Often has a severe negative effect upon the efficiency of the treatment. Cannabis almost always causes a quick. Efficient rise in appetite while at the same time suppressing nausea.
While not considered to be a serious disease, muscle cramps and tension cause many people agony and sometimes it even has a negative influence on their ability to function properly. Premenstrual women are particularly prone to debilitating cramps. Cannabis has a long and well documented history in helping to relieve these conditions.
Worldwide studies continue in further potential benefits of the drug in the medical field and currently several studies are investigating its use in treating glaucoma and multiple sclerosis. No doubt these studies will reveal that this drug is one of the most versatile natural remedies available today. Proponents predict that authorities will eventually be forced by scientific evidence to legalize the drug universally. It is not advisable to try. Obtain the drug illegally. Apart from the potential legal problems, it is really best to use it under responsible medical supervision. Places such as the medical marijuana Denver CO dispensary are happy to advise patients. To ensure that they use the drug responsibly.
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